Help us end white silence by starting difficult conversations with yourself and your community.
After the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, American citizens are feeling the need once again to have their voices heard and to remind those who would think otherwise that Black Lives Matter and are at a higher risk for police violence. We have seen protests in every state, and in several foreign countries, with citizens of the U.S. and the world demonstrating their right to assemble and demand change from their elected governments. The staff at Giolitti Deli are members of the Annapolis, Maryland, and American communities, and we are actively seeking ways to support protestors and Black members of our community who have carried the burden of racism, police brutality and unjust treatment for too long. We encourage others to do what they can to move this difficult but necessary conversation forward in their local community and personal lives. Change happens on a large and small scale, and we can all do our part to make the world we live in better every day. (more…)