Posts Tagged ‘ slow food movement ’

6 Things Americans Can Learn From the Italian Lifestyle

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020
What Americans Can Learn from the Italian Lifestyle

Take these lessons for enjoying friends and food from the Italian lifestyle and apply it to your own!

At Giolitti Deli, we try and bring an Italian appreciation for food, family, and “la vita bella” to every dish and item we sell to our guests. But what exactly is the Italian way? And do you have to wait to visit Giolitti Deli to enjoy it? Well, the answer to that last question is a resounding “no.” If you want to apply the best lessons Italian culture can teach us over here in America, read below to learn how to live the “beautiful life” every day. (more…)

The Slow Food Movement: Its Origins and Goals

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019
Two women eat Italian food and drink wine at a busy restaurant.

Relish the slow food pleasures of flavor and company during your next visit to Giolitti Deli.

The Slow Food Movement, originating in Italy, calls for a celebration of food that is locally grown, made to nourish the body, and which is appreciated when eaten. The Slow Food movement began in the 1980s as a protest and has become an international phenomenon for food lovers everywhere. Read on to discover the surprising origins and central tenants of the Slow Food Movement.  (more…)