Posts Tagged ‘ vegetables ’

4 Italian Culinary Traditions You May Not Know About

Friday, October 23rd, 2020
italian culinary traditions

Enjoying multiple courses and bread with olive oil are two great Italian culinary traditions.

While you may be aware of many tasty and enjoyable Italian culinary traditions, there are a few traditions that come naturally to Italians but haven’t quite made their way over here to Italian-American tables. If you’re looking for a new way to enjoy Italian traditions at Giolitti Deli or at home, read on for a few Italian culinary traditions that will make dinnertime even more enjoyable.  (more…)

All About Brussels Sprouts, Giolitti Deli’s Ingredient of the Week

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019
Brussels sprouts on a table

Brussels sprouts are in peak season now and taste great when cooked in a variety of ways.

This week, Giolitti Deli is featuring Brussels sprouts in our pasta and salad specials to celebrate the darling of the fall veggies. If you are not convinced that you love Brussels sprouts yet, use our introductory guide to get acquainted and discover the many delicious ways you can eat them. As a bonus, we’ve included a recipe for Shaved Brussels Sprouts Salad that you can make at home or enjoy a variation of during your next visit to Giolitti Deli.  (more…)